QR is an Incredibly Welcoming & Loving Family
As a public school teacher, I never imagined sending my own children to a catholic school. However, as we put our oldest child, who is now entering 2nd grade at QR, in 3-year-old preschool I knew instantly that we made the right decision. I have worked in many great schools in many great communities and it became apparent from day one that QR is more than just a community, we are a family. From the amazing dedicated teachers to the tireless caring work of our principal Ms. McGinn, to the honest and genuine friendships with other QR families who never hesitate to jump in and help, Queen of the Rosary is an incredibly welcoming and loving family. The individuals our children encounter on a daily basis have the same strong values and morals that we instill at home. I take comfort in knowing that our children are not only receiving a top notch education through high expectations set for them but that they are being guided by some of the best role models we could have ever imagined for them. As our daughters have participated in daily religion and attended mass weekly we have seen firsthand the lessons they have learned woven into their daily lives. They are growing into kind, compassionate, and helpful young ladies who are learning self-discipline and are becoming more responsible members of our family. I attribute this to all QR does for students and families.
The LaPenna Family